domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

Liga Adelante_Córdoba C.F.

Prominent Information
The Córdoba Club of Football is a club of football of Spain, of the city of Cordova,
It was founded in 1954 and it playsin the Second Division of Spain.
It has played in the First Division,The Second Division, Second B and
in laTercera Division of Spain.

Origin and Other Prominent Information
This club was founded in 1928 by the merger of other two clubs natives of Cordoba, Royal Cordova Electromechanical Sporting Club and the Sports Company.


The Stadium of The Archangel was an initiative deprived of Jose de la Lastra and Sickles, president of the Royal Sports Club Cordova. In 1942, of the Flagstone it authorized the construction of a soccer field in a few areas that his family had in the Neighborhood of the Fuensanta.

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