domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

Liga Adelante Conclusions

Opinion Personal

In my opinion, the League Improves it is a league where the partede the filiales of the equipments that estan in The First Division,
 i other equipments that have not could alcancar the First Division, i want to reach her, dispute a series of parties to mistosos,
 i not friendly in which, the alcenso is played the division of " the league of you her star ".
 Though not all the equipments that manage to come to high mas of this division, can reach the ascent to Primeran, according to the procedure,
 only podran raise of category the queipos that are not nin gun subsidiary of any equip of the top league, therefore,
 these equipments, they remain to the same category,
 until I equip his diho, Superior descends, with which, it obligaria to his decrease immediato.

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