domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

Liga Adelante Conclusions

Opinion Personal

In my opinion, the League Improves it is a league where the partede the filiales of the equipments that estan in The First Division,
 i other equipments that have not could alcancar the First Division, i want to reach her, dispute a series of parties to mistosos,
 i not friendly in which, the alcenso is played the division of " the league of you her star ".
 Though not all the equipments that manage to come to high mas of this division, can reach the ascent to Primeran, according to the procedure,
 only podran raise of category the queipos that are not nin gun subsidiary of any equip of the top league, therefore,
 these equipments, they remain to the same category,
 until I equip his diho, Superior descends, with which, it obligaria to his decrease immediato.

Liga BBVA Conclusions

Personal opinion

In my opinion, the League BBVA is a league where estan the best equipments, and players of the world, since for example:

Reall Madrid C.F. which contains to majnificas stars of football like Cristiano Ronaldo, Sergio Ramos, Iker Casillas ...,

the F.C. Barcelona with the best player of football of the moment, Lionel Messi, also other magnificent players as, Xavi Hernandez, Gerard Pique or also Carles Puyol.

In addition, this league is one of the famous mas of the world, who the malloria of his participants they have obtained numerous international trophies.

Liga Adelante_Real Racing Club Santander


The Royal Racing Club of Santander,
is a sports professional club of Spanish football, with headquarters 
in the city of Santander (Cantabria). Racing Club was founded on February 23,
1913 as Santander, being Royal from 1923.
Up to the moment it is the only Cantabrian equipment that has disputed 
the First Division of Spain. Nowadays he competes in The Second Division.

Origin and Other Prominent Information

On February 23, 1913, date of his first meeting, it is thought the date of his official birth. Those years the football was a sport practised of rudimentary form and that was inciting scanty spectators. In this first party the Racing it was defeated by the Strong of Santander by two goals to one.


On February 16, 1913, in the official presentation of the Racing Club, there were inaugurated the old men Campos of Sport of The Sardinero by a local tilt.

Nowadays this one placed in the city of Santander, in Cantabria (Spain).

Liga Adelante_Córdoba C.F.

Prominent Information
The Córdoba Club of Football is a club of football of Spain, of the city of Cordova,
It was founded in 1954 and it playsin the Second Division of Spain.
It has played in the First Division,The Second Division, Second B and
in laTercera Division of Spain.

Origin and Other Prominent Information
This club was founded in 1928 by the merger of other two clubs natives of Cordoba, Royal Cordova Electromechanical Sporting Club and the Sports Company.


The Stadium of The Archangel was an initiative deprived of Jose de la Lastra and Sickles, president of the Royal Sports Club Cordova. In 1942, of the Flagstone it authorized the construction of a soccer field in a few areas that his family had in the Neighborhood of the Fuensanta.

Liga Adelante_Hércules C.F.

Prominent Information

The Hercules of Alicante Club of Football is a club of football of Spain,                                                      
of the city of Alicante in the province of Alicante.

It was founded in 1914 and federated in 1922,
and during the season 2012-13 it plays in the Second Division of Spain.
It poseses a path of 20 seasons in The First Division and 40 in The Second Division.


In 1914 Vicente Pastor de la Llosa Alfosea was the creator of this equipment that the same one wanted to put the current name " Hercules C.F. ". Him one knows about affectionate form as " The Chepa ".

Liga Adelante_Villareal C.F.

  Prominent information

The Villarreal Club of Football is a club of football of the League Improve, of Villarreal's Spanish city in Castellón's province. In the season 2011-2012 it descended to the Second Division of Spain. It was founded on March 10, 1923.

Weigh that at present it plays in The Second Division, a record onlooker preserves, still today it has more than 12.000 members, the club of football in the whole history of the professional competition with major number of subscribers in proportion the inhabitants his city overcoming the 20.000 in The First Division.


The Villarreal CF was founded on March 10, 1923. The pharmacist Jose Calduch y Almela was the first president accompanied of Jose Martínez Aguilar as secretary, Carlos Calatayud Jordá as vice-president and Juan Nebot, Alfonso Saera, Manuel Calduch y Almela, Pascual Arrufat Catalá, Vicente Cabedo Meseguer and Manuel Amorós Fortuño as members.


The stadium was inaugurated on June 17, 1923, in a party between the CD Castellón and the Cervantes, both equipments of the capital. The Villarreal did not play his first party until October 21 of the same year, when Star de Castellón faced the Red.

Liga BBVA_F.C.Barcelona

  Prominent information

  • Foundation of the club: on November 29, 1899.

On November 29, 1899, Hans Gamper founded the FC Barcelona, together with eleven practicing enthusiasts of what in that moment was an unknown sport.

  • Stadium: Camp Nou.
  • Inauguration of the stadium: on September 24, 1957.
  • Capacity: 99.354 spectators.
  • Assistance happens to the stadium: 75.825 spectators.

Is Camp Nou the stadium where the FC plays Barcelona. In the Barcelonian neighborhood of Them Corts. The Camp Nou is the stadium with Europa's major capacity, with 99.354 spectators. Barcelona was inaugurated on September 24, 1957 by the official name of Stadium of the FC.

  • Partners: 175.000, to date of May, 2010.
  • Official rocks: 1.375, to date of October, 2010.
  • Budget: 420.000.000 €.
  • Affiliated equipment: Football Club Barcelona B.
  • Stadium of subsidiary: Mini Estadi.
  • Capacity of the Mini Estadi: 15.276 spectators.